Meet the Staff

Sam Grozdanov
Branch's Baptist Church
Raised and educated in Europe and the US, Pastor Sam Grozdanov brings a fresh perspective to the Christian faith and life to contemporary US culture. He is a serious student of the Bible who loves helping people connect with God.

Arlene Guzmán
Casa Refugio de Amor de Branch’s.
Es un placer saludarle en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Nací y crecí en Puerto Rico en el seno de una familia cristiana. En el 2004 me radiqué en Richmond, Virginia. Soy esposa, madre y abuela. Read more »

Becky Hopkins
Worship Minister
Becky Hopkins is grateful for the tremendous opportunity to help people worship God through the ministry of worship. Her heartbeat is for all people to love God and love each other.

Cathy Marshall
Office Manager
A long-time resident of Branch’s local community, Cathy joined our staff on January 20, 2020 bringing over 30 years of experience in church administration to her new role. With a sense of true calling, she finds great joy and contentment in serving God’s church and His people.

Karen Morton
Office / Worship Assistant
Karen relocated to North Chesterfield from Charlottesville to live near her daughter, Heather Grundeman, after losing her husband on October 1, 2020. She served almost 40 years at Effort Baptist Church, Palmyra, VA as Traditional Choir Director and Pianist. She also enjoyed fellowship with other believers in a Young at Heart group. She joined our staff as a way to get to know Branch's congregants and to help ease the workload of Cathy and Becky.